Thursday, May 12, 2016

Chicken Fried Trout

I had this dish at a French restaurant with lettuce, and it was so delicious! So I thought I would do it at home for half of the price.  There is no chicken in this dish.  Just the way we flour and fried the trout that is similar to how we fried chicken, hence the original chef must had named it Chicken Fried Trout.  I bought the trouts from Costco, and it was $12 for 4 medium trouts.  Such a great deal right! As for the gribiche sauce, I made my own version.  The restaurant added blue cheese in it I think.  My husband loves it! I hope you will enjoy this dish too. 

Chicken Fried Trout with Gribiche sauce

For garnish & to eat with:
2 carrots (shredded/peel and soak in 1 tbs rice vinegar)
1 green onion (tear and soak in cold water, so it will curl up)
1/4 an onion (thinly chop)
5 radishes (clean and chop)
3 sprig dills
1 head of lettuce
10 pieces of rice paper to wrap with (opional)

Gribiche sauce:
1 tsp capers
1 sprig dill
2 tsp redwine vinegar
3 tsp mayo
2 tsp olive oil
1 tsp lemon juice
2 tsp sugar
1 crushed garlic
1/4 tsp black pepper
Direction: Mix everything together until sugar dissolved

Fried trout:
1 trout (clean, scale & butterfly)
1 egg mixed with 1/4 cup water
1 cup flour
sprinkle garlic, salt & pepper mix with flour

Direction:  Dip the trout in dry flour, then soak in egg and water mixture, and finally dip in the dry flour again.  Deep fried trout in oil for about 7 to 8 minutes. When finished, add the garnishes stated above on the fish and serve with lettuce and gribiche sauce.

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