Friday, January 13, 2017


I found this recipe from a cook book in the store and took a glimpse of it.. I would credit the author, but I can't remember who created it... I'm sorry author!

It was tasty and very healthy since it is not oily at all.
Most stir fried noodles are very oil, but this left me a healthy after taste! :)
Hopefully you will like it!

p.s. I worked very hard on editing the pictures and video! You can shower me with appreciations by subscribing to my youtube channel.  ðŸ’—  It's BeansproutsKitchen 
Thank you!

Serving: 4 - 6 people

Rice noodles (this noodle is not the vermicelli noodles, it's especially made for stir fried; it's body is very thin; you cannot find this freshly made; the noodle should be in the dried noodle section of the Asian market!)
3 boiled eggs
1/2 a block of hard tofu (cubed)
1/2 lbs shrimps
1/2 lbs chopped chicken
2 tbsp tiny anchovies

1 minced garlic clove
1/4 quater of a purple onion
2 green onion sticks
(both onions thinly sliced and soaked in cold water)

1 tsp salt (chicken) & 1/2 tsp salt (tofu)
1-2 tsp chicken bouillon
3 tbsp fish sauce
2 tbsp rice vinegar (maybe replace with lemon juice)
1 tsp black pepper
2 tbsp corn starch mixed with 1/4 cup cold water
1-2 cups water

Optional ingredients
1/4 tsp saffron
1 tsp lemon juice
premade fried shallots

Boil your eggs (10 min.) and shrimps (2 mins).  Set aside once completed.
Stir fried cubed tofu. Season with salt. Set aside once finished. 
Stir fried chicken. Season with salt and black pepper. Set aside once finished. 
Quickly fry anchovies until golden color. Set aside once finished. 

In empty wok, add oil and garlic until fragrant.  Then add 2 cups water and saffron.  Cook until saffron release its color.  Then add 2 tsp chicken bouillon, 3 tbsp fish sauce, 2 tbsp rice vinegar, and corn starch.  Once the sauce is boiled, add chicken, shrimps, and tofu to wok.  Taste test to see if lemon juice is needed. 

Soak rice noodles in hot water and not boiling water according to the package instruction, or until soft to bite. 

Plating the noodles on plate, pour meat sauce on top, then add egg, onions, and shallots. 


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