Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Vietnamese Roasted Rice Shredded Chicken - Bi Ga

Hello everyone,
It has been a while since I'm available to upload more recipes! Life has been chaotic!
Please subscribe to my youtube channel! (BeansproutsKitchen) I worked very hard for to edit videos and post recipes details.
Seeing your subscription will motivate me to post more videos!
Thank you so much!

Vietnamese culture has lots of recipes using pork.  Oh how wonderful the pork always tasted! But I have chosen not to eat pork a while ago.  I have to stop ordering this favorite dish named "Bi" with broken rice in Vietnamese restaurants.  The original recipe has boiled shredded pork, roasted rice, and fried pork skin.  I have changed the recipe, and made it into a healthier and chicken friendly version.
I hope you will enjoy this dish as much as I do!

* you can fry chicken skin and add it into this dish.
* most ingredients can be found at a Vietnamese or Chinese supermarket
*I make a lot and freeze them, so I can eat over the week. :)

Serves: 6-8 people

1 lb chicken breast or thigh
1 small jicama
2 cups fried tofu (you can buy hard tofu and fry it yourself)
1 bag yam noodles
1 cup pickled radish (preferably sweet pickled radish, but if it is salted, you can rinse with water and squeeze dry to reduce the salty flavor; and add 2 tsp sugars)
2 - 3 garlic cloves (minced)
1 bag of roasted rice
1 tsp black pepper
Salt and sugar to taste

Peeled and cut jicama into 2 inches long thin sticks.
Cut fried tofu into long thin sticks and set aside.
Drained yam noodles dry
Minced garlics

Stir fried Jicama with oil until soft.
Stir fried pickled radish. Add 2 tsp sugar if it is salted radish.
Boiled or stir fried chicken then shredded it into long thin pieces.

Combine all the ingredients: chicken, tofu, jicama, yam noodles, garlics, pickled radish, black pepper, and whole bag of roasted rice.  Mix them by hand.
Mix until roasted rice has coasted all the ingredients.
Add salt and sugar to taste.

Serve with rice, fish sauce and veggies.


Fish Sauce Recipe
5 tbsp fish sauce
9 tbsp water (cooked/filtered water) (please not use tap water)
3 tbsp lime juice
3 tsp sugar
1 tsp sambal oelek
1 garlic

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Snow Peas & Woodear Mushrooms Stir Fried

I discovered this dish while I was traveling in Beijing, China.  People in China love to mince their ingredients.  At home most of my in-law's recipes are minced or shredded style.  What I discovered was that this has really enhanced the taste and encourage one to eat more!
Before this I would simply stir fried the snow peas as is.  It was so hard to eat!! So I rarely buy them.
But Now! after I thinly chopped the peas, I couldn't stop eating them! They are so tasty!
You can eat them cold or hot!  The color is beautiful too!
I hope you enjoy this recipe and please subscribe to my channel on youtube!
Beansprouts Kitchen
I worked really hard to get these recipes to you! Thank you!!


1 lb Snow Peas (shredded or thinly chopped)
1/4 cup Dried Woodear Mushrooms = 1 cup re-hydrated woodear mushrooms (thinly chopped)
2 garlic cloves - (minced)

1 tsp salt
1 tsp chicken bouillon
1/2 tsp black pepper
1 tbsp Shaoxing wine
1 tsp lemon juice (may substitute with vinegar)

Add 2 tbsp oil to wok.
Add minced garlic & mushrooms.  Stir fried about 2 minutes.
Add salt, chicken bouillon, black pepper, wine, and lemon juice.
Add shredded snow peas.  Stir fried for about 2-4 minutes or until soft.


Thank you!

Friday, April 28, 2017

Braised Beef Ribs & Boiled Eggs

I don't eat pork, so this is the only dish I can't find in most restaurants.  I once found it in a Korean restaurant in Los Angeles.  But it costed me $40 for the dish! A bit costly especially when I can cook this for $20 at home and portion for four people instead of two.

Tip! Whenever I braised any kind of meat, I will always add sugar last, right before I finished.  I found that my meat will not taste bitter when I add the sugar last.

Serving: 4-6 people with rice


3 lbs Beef Ribs
4-6 eggs
2 tbsp gingers
2 minced garlic cloves

2 tbsp sugar for caramelize color + 1 tsp to enhance flavor
2 tbsp fish sauce
2 tbsp soy sauce (may substitute with light soy sauce)
1 tsp black pepper
3-4 cups water
green onions (2 tbsp) & cooked rice


In a wok, add 2 tbsp sugar & 2 tbsp oil to melt sugar to brownish color.
Add beef ribs and slowly turn the ribs, so the meat can be golden brown all sides.
Add gingers and garlic.
Add fish sauce, soy sauce, and black pepper.
After 2 minutes, add 2 cups of water.  Cover with lid to slow cook the rib until soft to bite.
Slowly add more water in between to prevent meat dried up.
Cook rib for 30 minutes to 45 minutes until soft to bite.
Five minutes before braising finished, you can add in boiled eggs.
Lastly, add 1 tsp sugar to enhance flavor.
Present dish with green onions and red pepper flakes.


Please subscribe to my channel on youtube for more recipes!
It is really encouraging for me to get subscribers!
Thank you so much guys!

Monday, March 27, 2017

Vietnamese Beef Meatloaf Steamed Egg (Cha Trung Hap Thit Bo)

Usually we eat this along with broken rice or jasmine rice.  You can add green onion mixed with oil to enhance the flavor of the rice! I made this with ground beef, but if you can definitely cook with either ground pork or chicken.

Enjoy! Please subscribe to my YouTube channel for more! Beansproutskitchen.

Serving: 4 - 6 people


1 lb ground beef (I used 85% meat for a fatty flavor)
1 oz bean thread (soak in hot water to soften the noodles for 5 minutes) don't use boiling water
1/4 cup dried woodear mushrooms = 1 cup once re-hydrated (soak in hot water for 15 minutes to re-hydrate mushrooms) & (julienne)
6 dried shiitakes mushrooms = 1/2 cup once re-hydrated (soak in hot water for 15 minutes to re-hydrate mushrooms) & (julienne)
3 eggs divide (2 egg yolks together) & (1 egg white & yolk together) = (dark yellow scrambled egg bowl) & (light yellow scrambled egg bowl)

2 cup water

1 tsp salt
1 tsp chicken bouillon
1/2 tsp black pepper
2 tbsp fishsauce
2 tbsp rice vinegar

Mix ground beef, bean threads, shiitakes, woodears mushrooms, light yellow scrambled, salt, black pepper, chicken bouillon, fish sauce, and rice vinegar together.
Add in a bowl for steaming.  Or you can divide it up into 6 small bowls.

In a medium size wok, pour in 2 cup water, and add in a steam rack. Then put the bowls on top of the steam rack and cover the wok with lid.

Steam egg for 15 minutes.  Then uncover lid and slowly add in dark yellow scrambled egg yolk on top of the bowl to enhance the yellow color.  You can add in a few shiitake mushrooms for decoration.

Steam the egg for another 15 minutes then it will be ready.

Thank you!

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Squid Ink Pasta with Shrimps and Peas

I hope you all can enjoy this delicious and extremely simple to make pasta dish! It will taste like fancy Italian, but it doesn't cost a lot! You can find the squid ink pasta at any specialty Italian supermarket.  However, I found mine at a discounted supermarket store! So I bought several bags of these squid ink because I know these pastas can be expensive at the specialty stores! Mine was $2.50, but I saw online some cost up to $8! You can definitely replace it with regular pasta, and it will still be delicious!

Serves: 4-6 people


1 lb Squid Ink Pasta
2 lbs X-large shrimps size 20.
1 lb Frozen peas or 1/2 lb if you don't like peas that much
3 Garlic cloves
1/2 of a yellow onion
1-2 cup of shaved Parmesan cheese
4 tbsp butter (1/2 for shrimps & 1/2 for pasta)

1/4 tsp salt for shrimps;
1 tsp salt for pasta
1/4 tsp black pepper for shrimps;
1/2 tsp black pepper for pasta

Poach eggs (optional)
1 tbsp fish sauce (optional) to enhance the taste to the next level if you like fish sauce)
1 tsp lemon juice (optional)
Sprinkle red pepper flakes (optional)
Sprinkle parsley (optional)

Defrost & Peeled shrimps
Rinse frozen peas
Minced garlic cloves
Cubed onions
Shaved Parmesan cheese

Bring a pot full of water to boil and add 1 tsp of salt to boiling water.  Then add in pasta. Make sure to stir pasta, so pasta won't stick together. (if pasta cooked finished earlier than your peas, then rinse with cold water to prevent pasta sticking together.  If pasta finished at about the same time as the cooked peas then you can immediately add pasta to peas.)

Take out your favorite wok/pan and add 1 tbsp oil, stir fry shrimps, 1/4 tsp salt, & 1/4 tsp black pepper until shrimps full cooked.  Add in 2 tbsp butter and set shrimps aside.

Using the same wok/pan, add in all garlic, and onions.  Cook them until fragrant, then add in peas.
Cook peas until soft to bite.  Then add in cooked pasta, cheese, 2 tbsp butter, lemon juice, salt and pepper. and fish sauce too if you like fish sauce.

Poach an egg for each person if you like!
Sprinkle parsley and red pepper flakes for presentation.

Please subscribe to my youtube channel! :) thank you! Beansproutskitchen

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Beef & Cabbage Bimbibap

Portion: About 6 serving


1.5-2 lbs thinly sliced beef
1 medium cabbage
1 bundle mushroom (optional)
3 minced garlic cloves (total)
1-6 eggs depending on the number of portion serving

Marinate Beef: at least 1 hour
2 minced garlics
2-3 tbsp oyster sauce (depending on your preference)
1 tsp sugar
1 tsp black pepper
2 tbsp rice vinegar

For Stir Fried cabbage:
1 minced garlic clove
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp chicken bouillon
1 tsp lemon juice (may substitute with vinegar)

Bimbibap sauce:
1/2 tbsp gochujang/ korean chili paste
2 tbsp soy sauce
1 tsp sesame oil

Fry your eggs first; to your liking.
Stir fry cabbage and add the listed ingredients. Set aside once cabbage is soft to bite.
Stir fry marinated beef. Set aside once beef is medium done.
Make your sauce by mixing the listed ingredients. 

Present your ingredients with rice.  And add the sauce on top of the beef and egg.

Friday, January 13, 2017


I found this recipe from a cook book in the store and took a glimpse of it.. I would credit the author, but I can't remember who created it... I'm sorry author!

It was tasty and very healthy since it is not oily at all.
Most stir fried noodles are very oil, but this left me a healthy after taste! :)
Hopefully you will like it!

p.s. I worked very hard on editing the pictures and video! You can shower me with appreciations by subscribing to my youtube channel.  ðŸ’—  It's BeansproutsKitchen 
Thank you!

Serving: 4 - 6 people

Rice noodles (this noodle is not the vermicelli noodles, it's especially made for stir fried; it's body is very thin; you cannot find this freshly made; the noodle should be in the dried noodle section of the Asian market!)
3 boiled eggs
1/2 a block of hard tofu (cubed)
1/2 lbs shrimps
1/2 lbs chopped chicken
2 tbsp tiny anchovies

1 minced garlic clove
1/4 quater of a purple onion
2 green onion sticks
(both onions thinly sliced and soaked in cold water)

1 tsp salt (chicken) & 1/2 tsp salt (tofu)
1-2 tsp chicken bouillon
3 tbsp fish sauce
2 tbsp rice vinegar (maybe replace with lemon juice)
1 tsp black pepper
2 tbsp corn starch mixed with 1/4 cup cold water
1-2 cups water

Optional ingredients
1/4 tsp saffron
1 tsp lemon juice
premade fried shallots

Boil your eggs (10 min.) and shrimps (2 mins).  Set aside once completed.
Stir fried cubed tofu. Season with salt. Set aside once finished. 
Stir fried chicken. Season with salt and black pepper. Set aside once finished. 
Quickly fry anchovies until golden color. Set aside once finished. 

In empty wok, add oil and garlic until fragrant.  Then add 2 cups water and saffron.  Cook until saffron release its color.  Then add 2 tsp chicken bouillon, 3 tbsp fish sauce, 2 tbsp rice vinegar, and corn starch.  Once the sauce is boiled, add chicken, shrimps, and tofu to wok.  Taste test to see if lemon juice is needed. 

Soak rice noodles in hot water and not boiling water according to the package instruction, or until soft to bite. 

Plating the noodles on plate, pour meat sauce on top, then add egg, onions, and shallots. 
