Friday, April 28, 2017

Braised Beef Ribs & Boiled Eggs

I don't eat pork, so this is the only dish I can't find in most restaurants.  I once found it in a Korean restaurant in Los Angeles.  But it costed me $40 for the dish! A bit costly especially when I can cook this for $20 at home and portion for four people instead of two.

Tip! Whenever I braised any kind of meat, I will always add sugar last, right before I finished.  I found that my meat will not taste bitter when I add the sugar last.

Serving: 4-6 people with rice


3 lbs Beef Ribs
4-6 eggs
2 tbsp gingers
2 minced garlic cloves

2 tbsp sugar for caramelize color + 1 tsp to enhance flavor
2 tbsp fish sauce
2 tbsp soy sauce (may substitute with light soy sauce)
1 tsp black pepper
3-4 cups water
green onions (2 tbsp) & cooked rice


In a wok, add 2 tbsp sugar & 2 tbsp oil to melt sugar to brownish color.
Add beef ribs and slowly turn the ribs, so the meat can be golden brown all sides.
Add gingers and garlic.
Add fish sauce, soy sauce, and black pepper.
After 2 minutes, add 2 cups of water.  Cover with lid to slow cook the rib until soft to bite.
Slowly add more water in between to prevent meat dried up.
Cook rib for 30 minutes to 45 minutes until soft to bite.
Five minutes before braising finished, you can add in boiled eggs.
Lastly, add 1 tsp sugar to enhance flavor.
Present dish with green onions and red pepper flakes.


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